
Featured Projects


Hey, I am a software engineer passionate about open source. I mostly use Flutter & React/Nextjs. Currently contributing to Sentry, Supabase, Twenty & more!

My approach imbues every project with a unique blend of technical expertise and creative vision. Over the years, I've cultivated a diverse portfolio of applications, spanning a spectrum of technologies, all while maintaining a steadfast focus on the end-user. This unwavering commitment to user-centric design ensures that my creations seamlessly blend functionality with intuitive usability, fostering an enriching and engaging experience for all.

I draw inspiration from a long list of personal interests, including tech, music, urbanism, photography, and travel.


Here are some of my favorite records, updated live using the Spotify Web API

Developed by Edem Agbakpe in Accra.

This website was drafted using pen and paper, written in TypeScript using Next.js, Chakra UI, and Framer Motion, and deployed using Vercel. Text is set in the Inter typeface.